Synergy of Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment (FABE)
Infrastructure University Kuala LumpurAssociated brands on social media...
FABEulous IUKL | Faculty of Architecture & Built Environment IUKL
Alumni FABE IUKL Hall of Fame for the alumni of @fabe.iukl AND Remembrance of Glory Days (2008-2018)
N Y A L A 2 0 1 9 | Structured documentary of NYALA2019 XXX!NYALA 31st Architectural Student Workshop & Built Environment Exposition |
PIAEC2019 Documentary of the 2nd PAM International Architectural Education Conference (1st August 2019) with AND | | Formerly known as XXX!NYALA associated with NYALA2019 AND @code2028 |
CODEXXXX2028 | Documentary of CODEXXXX TIME CAPSULE Design Competition associated with AND|
INFRA.ARCA.KACA | The chronicle of architecture students activities (2010-19) at IUKL (formerly known as KLIUC) associated with @fabe.iukl AND @alumni.fabe
NYALA | The origin of NYALA associated with AND AND @code2028《[Re:I]gnite 30th Architectural Students Workshop 2018 |